Processing ratings

Most of the ratings and stats machinery in fooskill’s backend is automatic. Calculating rating periods, however, needs to either be run manually or be scheduled periodically (with, for example, cron).

There are three types of “nodes” fooskill uses to keep track of ratings and statistics:

Player and matchup stats nodes

Player stats nodes contain stats related to a player. Matchup stats nodes contain stats related to a matchup. Both of these types of nodes are automatically generated when a new game is submitted, and encapsulate the stats of the player or matchup up to the point in time when the newly submitted game was played.

During development there may be occasion to reprocess stats from all players over all games. This can be done with the following backend command:

$ ./ reprocess_all_stats --reset-id-counter

The --reset-id-counter tells the database, after wiping all existing stats nodes, to reset the ID counter for stats nodes back to 1, which is optional and merely for aesthetics.

Player rating nodes

Player rating nodes contain rating information related to a player for a given rating period. These are created automatically when new rating periods are processed. To process any new rating periods, run

$ ./ process_new_ratings

which will process any new rating periods that have yet to be evaluated.

As with stats nodes, during development you might want to reprocess ratings over all rating periods. This can be done with

$ ./ reprocess_all_ratings --reset-id-counter

where --reset-id-counter is optional and is identical to its previous use, mentioned above.