
Contributions to fooskill are welcome! However, before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your code style is consistent with what is already in fooskill!

Backend code style

fooskill’s backend code follows Google’s Python Style Guide and Django’s Coding Style Guide closely. While you don’t need to intimately know both of these style guides before contributing, if you contribute something doesn’t follow them, you’ll likely be asked to change your contribution so that it does.

For code formatting, life is a lot simpler. fooskill’s backend uses Black to format all of its code. All you need to do, after installing Black, is to run

$ black .

at the root of the backend directory and your code will be formatted automatically.

Frontend code style

fooskill’s frontend uses Prettier to format all of its code. After installing Prettier, simply run

$ prettier --write modifiedFile.js

on any files you modify.

Database backups

To get started with fooskill development, it’s useful to have some data to work with. Until there’s some stock data available for everyone to use, I’ll likely be happy to provide a database backup you can use to develop with—just contact me personally for this.